bright lights, big city, chicken shits and nice people
Apr. 04, 2003

Dude. I�ll start off nicely�.How are you today? Good? Fabulous, glad to hear it. Oh, me? I�m fine. No really, I�m fine.

Well, people just piss me off! One thing I will never understand about this area and the drivers is the (what I so brilliantly call) the light flashy thing. When people get mad at you they flash their brights at you. It drives me absolutely insane for some reason. To me it seems so incredibly rude � much more so than flipping someone of, mooning them, calling them everything but a lady/gentleman, ramming your car up the ass of their car OR putting a curse or hex on them.

Any time I see someone light flashy someone else it is because the receiver of the light flashing isn�t going fast enough. Now, this morning, I was looking in the mirror, trying to see if there was something in my eye. The person in front of me was a couple of yards away and we were going about 30-35 in a 45 because it�s always busy in the morning. Then, out of no where I got light flashed (I don�t want to say that I just got flashed because my, uh, reader might be all�oh, yeah�and start making the porn movie noises. Bow chicka bow bow.)

Anyway, I was immediately pissed off. Not only because it was obvious that I could not go any faster but also because about a hundred feet later the guy (who I now refer to very lovingly as 'complete DICK') got into the turning lane�and TURNED! It is beyond me why someone would want to light flashy someone when they know that they are arriving at their destination in a few seconds anyway.

I know I am totally overreacting but it�s just rude. Sometimes I wish I was a huge black man so if someone light flashed me I could just get out of the car and stand there looking pissed and scare the hell out of them. People are just too brave now. I�d never piss someone off in a car � they could very well ram me in the ass or pull out a gun and shoot me. I guess I'm just too nice or just too much of a chicken shit, but they are kinda the same thing, aren't they? If you are nice it is probably because you are too chicken shit to make people feel bad and if you are too chicken shit to do something it is probably because you are too nice. Don't ask me why I am all about the rambling today - I don't know, either.

old rants - new shockers

-all work copyright Jennifer Mislinski-


Slacking on your RANT reading? Well, here's what's been going on lately:

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New entry @ - Apr. 07, 2004 - Apr. 05, 2004

I'm busy but you'll forget my crappy entry when you see my dog! - Mar. 29, 2004