Welcome to the OC, bitch!
Aug. 19, 2003

Sitting here drinking coffee � am I more patriotic because I drink Americanos or am I less patriotic because it is said and spelled with an Italian flair? Anyway, found a new favorite cheesy-and-way-too-young-for-how-old-I-should-act show�.drum roll�The O C (stands for Orange County). I have a description in the next paragraph so you can skip that paragraph if you want to.

It�s about a rebellious young man with a habit of stealing cars and looking so James Dean in nature while doing so. He went to jail and then his mom (who is no prize herself � very Joan Crawford like) kicked him out of the house after she picked him up from jail (why not just leave him sitting on the side of the road rather than waste gas and time, oh trailer trash queen? Such drama!) He then goes to his lawyer�s house (court appointed I am assuming because I missed the first few minutes of the show � I was hooking up the TV in the bathroom so I could be like Barb and watch TV and take a bubble bath at the same time) and the lawyer�s family takes him in. Then he meets a rather thin but still cute girl from next door, goes to a pretty awesome party (wish we could have parties on the beach like them � oh, wait � we will in Hawaii next year), gets in a fight defending the lawyer�s geeky son and a few other things happen. I have personally lived in �The O C� and don�t remember anything like this going down. Granted, I was like 5 but I still knew what was up. How can TV be SO unlike real life? Who knew?

So anyway, long story short � this is my new favorite show. I have been trying to talk Luke into getting TiVO because it just seems like the coolest thing since � oh, I don�t know � cheese in a can? Now I am just going to have to get it so I can record this show and everything that Christopher Lowell does.

I have now officially sealed my membership in the crazed-TV-show-fan fanclub. I really don't want to be that person who memorizes the resume of their favorite stars on their favorite shows. And, by the way, WHY doesn't the world have a cheesy-teenage-show digest - come on! Hello, writers of Soap Opera Digest - get a clue! As you can see I'm a little snarky so I'm just gonna continue drinking my Americano until something interesting happens around here.

old rants - new shockers

-all work copyright Jennifer Mislinski-


Slacking on your RANT reading? Well, here's what's been going on lately:

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I'm busy but you'll forget my crappy entry when you see my dog! - Mar. 29, 2004