got schooled
Sept. 05, 2003

So, we were watching tennis last night and Luke continued to try to explain the game of tennis in a way that I can comprehend it. It's not that I will probably ever need to keep score but he's an explainy type guy.

Apparently, someone was high when they came up with the scoring (heh.) system for this game. The first time you score you get 15 points, and the second time as well. Then after that you only score 10 and the scores go to 40 (I think). Whatever - my explanation is probably all wrong. But this is my point - why isn't there some standard method for scoring games so I (and hopefully others because I don't want to be THE confused person) can understand what the hell is going on so I don't have to have another conversation about this type of thing. There is one thing that most guys will continue to explain even after you tell them you don't want know, don't care are on fire or whatever - football. Guys can go on and on about downs, lines of scrimmage and all that other stuff and look at you with that 'hello - do you get it now?' look. So annoying! Sorry. I've gotten into these one sided conversations alot lately and I just don't have the balls (or ovaries) to scream at them to shut up. I guess I'm too nice. Maybe I should just watch Andy Roddick and the other hot guys of tennis and keep my mouth shut.

So tonight the guys have a gig at Zig's in Alexandria. Hopefully it will go well because they are trying to recruit another singer so the other singer won't have to *cough* sing anymore. Is there anything wrong with that sentence? because I kinda' think so. But who am I to criticize? Oh, right - I'm ME. I just realized that I answered myself. I may need psychiatric help soon.

This weekend holds nothing incredibly exciting for me. I know, since there is a gig tonight, that there will be some sort of adult beverage involved (probably many). Hopefully the she-man will show up in the red leather skirt again to see the guys play. She was really funny - a little off but still fun!

old rants - new shockers

-all work copyright Jennifer Mislinski-


Slacking on your RANT reading? Well, here's what's been going on lately:

- - Jan. 06, 2005

another new entry @ - Apr. 15, 2004

New entry @ - Apr. 07, 2004 - Apr. 05, 2004

I'm busy but you'll forget my crappy entry when you see my dog! - Mar. 29, 2004