big sighs for the queer eye guys
Sept. 07, 2003

Luke and I went to play tennis yesterday (read: Luke was teaching me how to play and I proceeded to look so incredibly retarded). It was really fun and I learned a whole lot - mostly my lesson revolved around not overdoing something because when you get out of bed the next day you kinda fall flat on your face when you attempt to walk. My ass and my right arm hurt so much that I have just given up on walking correctly or holding anything. This morning I was all little miss holding my coffee with both hands like mom showed me when I was, I don't know, three. I felt like I needed a sippy cup or something.

Anyway, so that was fun. The dog had a great time chasing all of the tennis balls and it was too cute when she just got overwhelmed by the dozens that were bouncing all around her. She kept running after one and then she change directions because there was another one and that one was better then she'd see another and another. I think it's probably considered some kind of abuse to subject an animal to that kind of confusion but it was cute. I would say it's very much the same for me when I find a sale at the mall or when Luke goes to Guitar Center.

So Mike and Kelly came over after our little tennis game and we watched the mother of all TV marathons - the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy marathon while the guys went to play tennis. Kelly and I had so much fun drinking *bottles* (yes, that's plural folks) of wine and howling at Carson and the others. It's unfair that they can be so adorable and get away with saying the cute and terribly raunchy things that they say. Carson was cleaning out the room of one of the straight guys and he had a gas mask on his face and socks on his hands because he didn't want to touch the guys clothes! HA! He also sang a little song that had something to do with nasty socks but I don't remember how it went (just a reminder that there were *bottles* - Kelly and I mean business when we get together) I love how the guys get together and watch the date or whatever the goal was for the whole cleanup process. They always sit around and crack vulgar jokes (which are just so much funnier than clean jokes) and drink cute drinks like cosmopolitans and stuff. I've noticed that they seem to have a different drink to match the 'occasion' that they are watching. Sigh, those guys are so great! Straight guys just don't think of that but dammit - they should. A variety pack of Sam Adams does not a good connoisseur make.

After three hours of talking about making over our men and what we needed to 'manscape' on them, etc. we ordered food and proceeded to open more wine. Guys are so funny - they go play tennis and then go do more bonding exercises like washing a car (Mike and Kelly got a new car). ???? Whatever makes ya' happy.

Kyan: Grooming Guru is my type

Which Member from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is your type?
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old rants - new shockers

-all work copyright Jennifer Mislinski-


Slacking on your RANT reading? Well, here's what's been going on lately:

- - Jan. 06, 2005

another new entry @ - Apr. 15, 2004

New entry @ - Apr. 07, 2004 - Apr. 05, 2004

I'm busy but you'll forget my crappy entry when you see my dog! - Mar. 29, 2004