It's Happy Time!

Getting really tired of the same old thing day after day. I am SO looking forward to starting school and not working. I can hardly wait. It�s so hard to concentrate on anything at work when you know that soon you won�t have to be working and that you won�t have to worry about people�s parking passes, bookshelves, offer letters and timesheets. It�s like when you are gonna go to Disneyland and a few weeks before it�s almost like there is no point in coming to work because you are just not focused and almost totally begin not to care. I guess this happens to a lot of people � I wonder how they deal with it?

Don�t get me wrong, I enjoy my job and the people I work with but at this point in my, uh, �career� I know that I can�t go any further without education. Thank God that I have the chance to really go and complete my degree so I can feel like I�ve accomplished SOMETHING. I have lived with the view that I am somehow inferior because I haven�t finished school. Granted, I�ve completed other things on my life list and others tell me that I have been successful so far in the goals that I have set and how far I have gotten in the corporate world but I just doesn�t matter to me. I work for a government contractor so I see people every day applying for jobs that they are totally qualified or even overqualified for but because they don�t have the 20-40 thousand dollar piece of paper, we can�t even consider them. That to me is very sad.

We live in a country were a business can get into so much trouble for being discriminatory but we can discriminate against people for holding a degree � no matter how much experience they actually have. Life sucks and sometimes makes no sense at all. I�m really cynical today, sorry.

In other news, nothing is going on� far, it�s a quiet Friday morning a little before 8AM. The world that I see at work has not arrived yet. I think someday I�m going to aim to have a job where I can just sit at a desk and be left alone. I get so tired of being bothered at work. I sit in an open area and all that go into the offices beside me always have to stop and ask where people are, when they will be back, where they went, etc.

I wish I could have a huge blinking sign that says �I don�t know where (insert name) is, they don�t tell me where they go. I don�t know when they will be back because they keep track of themselves. And, I don�t know where they went because, AGAIN, everyone keeps track of their own schedule. And thank you for asking how my day is going before you bombard me with questions that you know I cannot answer. And, yes, go ahead and play with all of the toys on my desk while you are at it � commenting on each one � and don�t forget to knock all of the sand out of my mini rock garden. Thank you, have a nice day.� OK, I think I need to go take a nap because (obviously) I am cranky.

old rants - new shockers

-all work copyright Jennifer Mislinski-


Slacking on your RANT reading? Well, here's what's been going on lately:

- - Jan. 06, 2005

another new entry @ - Apr. 15, 2004

New entry @ - Apr. 07, 2004 - Apr. 05, 2004

I'm busy but you'll forget my crappy entry when you see my dog! - Mar. 29, 2004