Welcome to Bizzaro World
Sept. 26, 2003

Welcome to bizzaro world�

Welcome to Bizzaro World where things that should be aren�t and things that are aren�t really. In Bizzaro World there are a few rules:

� Crap on your friends, family, co-workers and people you don�t even know at least once a day � if you are motivated go ahead and do it more than that. Make sure to treat everyone that questions you as inhumanely as possible.

� Suck up to your bosses so much that everyone notices. Drop everything to say hello to them and always make polite conversation even in the midst of a disaster.

� Act completely insane one minute and then all hyper, peppy fun lady the next.

� Constantly interrupt everyone and say that you are right about something when an issue is being addressed. Even if you have nothing to do with the problem and won�t be affected in any way by the outcome and decision that is trying to be made, make sure that it is always your way.

� Ask for someone�s opinion on something and as soon as they give it say, �I�m the professional and you aren�t so this is what we are going to do�

� Embarrass people in front of friends, family, co-workers and people they don�t even know

� Don�t respect other people�s feelings and for God�s sake don�t ever feel that you should try to understand their point of view.

� Bring back at least of the following items every time you go to the gym: a bag of snack sized Snickers, a box of Moon Pies or a venti Frappucino from Starbucks. Because it doesn�t count because you went to the gym.

� Always blame others for your mistakes, inadequacies and problems.

� Tell people one thing and then the next day, talk to them as if you never spoke to them the first time and tell them something completely different. Do not show any sign of knowing that you ever have spoken about this topic before that very moment. If someone asks why you changed your mind, blame it on them.

� Always show complete and total disregard for: morals, ethics and etiquette.

Follow these rules and you, too, can live in the always fabulous, never boring Bizzarro World.

Sorry � rough day at work. Hopefully next week will be better. Sign my GuestMap!

old rants - new shockers

-all work copyright Jennifer Mislinski-


Slacking on your RANT reading? Well, here's what's been going on lately:

- - Jan. 06, 2005

another new entry @ creativejenn.com - Apr. 15, 2004

New entry @ creativejenn.com - Apr. 07, 2004

creativejenn.com - Apr. 05, 2004

I'm busy but you'll forget my crappy entry when you see my dog! - Mar. 29, 2004