Oct. 15, 2003

So, I disappeared for a few days � sorry. Its still midterms and I am basically running myself ragged trying to remember Buddha�s life, South American exports and the difference between two different Spanish verbs that both mean 'to be'. Aside from the fact that I feel that one of my professors needs to have her chemical levels checked and/or have a permanent prescription to Prozac, the semester is going well so far.

I�m gonna' copy nihilistbear and do a few shoutouts�..

First, I�d like to give a shoutout to Kim, for being such a great and wonderful girl and for recently getting engaged to Jim. I know, Kim and Jim�.could anything be cuter? In a different world it would be weird but Kim is just awesome so it�s totally cool.

A shoutout to Kelly because she is the master of amusement parks � of which you will find out more later.

So, this weekend we fun. We went to a party with one of Luke�s friends (whose name is Alan by the way � I�m so rude! I don�t even introduce people in diary entries! Hello � one admission to Miss Marple�s Academy for Ettiquette, please!). Apparently, it was a birthday party for some girl that lived in his building and as I learned from Alan�s friend and neighbor, Josh, she was kinda� the um�skank�of the building. Or that is the vibe that I got anyway. And I must say, eye glitter to match your shirt when you are turning 30 is probably a little over the top. Jello Shots? They are most certainly called for though and I did partake of them to help celebrate um���oh, yeah � Mindy�s birthday. I don�t know if it was the fact that you could light the margaritas that we had on fire or if I was just a light weight but I ended up getting a more than a leeetle drunk on Saturday.

Which gives a nice opener and segue to the events that happened on Sunday. See how I did that? In your face person that says I can�t write understandable things. Sorry, I got sidetracked.

Anyway, to Sunday. Luke and I woke up on Sunday morning at Alan�s house because we did not feel comfortable driving home the night before. We woke up after a good 6 or 7 hour nap and went home to take care of the dog. We got to the house and Luke left again to get the dog to her Uncle Johns so she could hang out with him while we were out of town for the day.

Coffee was not involved at this point but I did get to do a blank stare shower for about 15 minutes (if you don�t know what that is I will be posting JennSpeak vocabulary hints at some point - oh, look - I just did.) so that definitely helped the situation. Mike and Kelly got to our house soon after we returned and we set off to Busch Gardens.

The drive was about 3 hours long and I did pretty well considering there were Old Bay potato chips in the car (which smell like a huge crab feast in a bag) and I was, yes, very hungover. I drank about 2 tons of water while we were in the car and only asked Luke three times if we were there yet. We got to the park and Kelly squealed a little when she saw the coasters. We proceeded to park the car and get all of our amusement park ensembles together.

I was doing better once we started walking around and was fine when we were in line for Apollo�s Chariot but I was so NOT okay when we clunked up the hill and were about to descend what felt like 35 stories back down. Yeah, for those first couple of rides I kept my mouth firmly shut at all times. If anyone has ever been hungover on a roller coaster you know what I mean.

After a few coasters we decided to eat to which my stomach replied, �thanks!�. I loaded up on alcohol absorbing spaghetti because at that point I had come to the conclusion that when I woke up I was still drunk. So, yay. Food safely in stomach and we were on our way again. Kelly was so cute because she hadn�t been to an amusement park for about 10 years so she was so ready to commit the park map to memory and run in every direction possible in search of rides, cotton candy and more rides.

My hangover subsided a lot during the day but my exhaustion was highlighted when we were on our last ride waiting to �decoaster� and some guy kept saying �yay!�. The word itself is funny but this guy was saying it like the guy on Crank Yankers was and it just set me off. I started laughing so hard that I almost threw up right there. How hard WAS I laughing? Well, being tired does weird things to me so I had idiotic giggles of a hysterical nature coming out of me � gasping for air as tears ran down my face. I an effort to try to trick my body into a different mode, I started kicking my feet back and forth � five-year-old-in-a-restaurant-booth style. This is the kind of laughter that scares the people around you. They wait quietly for your head to spin around or for you to just combust � well, neither of those things happened and I continued to carry on with this insane behavior for at least another three minutes. If you were in Busch Gardens Williamsburg on Sunday and heard crazy mad giggles from a short white girl, well, Hi! That was me.

All and all it was a fun day, we ate a lot of crap and rode some rides. We learned that the glo-stick people at Busch Gardens are incredibly stressed and shouldn�t be approached to purchase said glo-sticks. The person we dealt with was very much like the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld, she was a Glo-Stick Nazi. She got all confused and pissed when we tried to buy two glow sticks (which are $1 each) with a five dollar bill, then some uppity woman terminated our conversation by basically talking over us and grabbing all of the Glo-Stick Nazi�s attention. Then another rude kid came in and all hell broke loose after that. Apparently, there should be a Glo-Stick worker�s group established to help relieve the stress of selling glo-sticks and counting change.

Glo-Stick vendors unite!

old rants - new shockers

-all work copyright Jennifer Mislinski-


Slacking on your RANT reading? Well, here's what's been going on lately:

- - Jan. 06, 2005

another new entry @ creativejenn.com - Apr. 15, 2004

New entry @ creativejenn.com - Apr. 07, 2004

creativejenn.com - Apr. 05, 2004

I'm busy but you'll forget my crappy entry when you see my dog! - Mar. 29, 2004