tryptophanic, psychotic and bitchy - wanna hang out with me?
Nov. 27, 2003

So Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate. Thanksgiving for me has turned into a really annoying holiday over the past few years. Every year I basically sit around being bored waiting to eat and then after the eating is all over with I sit around until its time to go to sleep. Usually this series of events occurs when I am surrounded by guys. Yes, my Thanksgivings usually consist of me and a bunch of guys. If I was still sixteen I would probably think that nothing could be better but I just get flat annoyed now because I get tired of hearing everyone�s theories on football, the dating scene and whatever sciency thing is the big topic of the moment. And I missed THE OC LAST NIGHT! Son of a bitch!!!!! If anybody taped it I will pay you to send it to me! I don�t think I can make it through this week without a dose of Seth and Ryan!

I think that all of the cool-ass women should come up with a way to combat this annoyance and have a �safe house� established in major metro areas that they can run to when the guy talk or good natures family throw downs get to be too much to handle. This house would be sectioned off into categories to serve the mental needs of it�s patrons: meditation, drunken ladies night complete with good wine and chick movies, a room with Orlando Bloom, Paul Walker and all of the Queer Eye guys. I guess I am still just the type of person that doesn�t like too much drama and confusion. I am a bitch (could you not tell?) because someone is coming to our house and is very politely bringing food with him but I don�t want him to. Why you ask? Well, I�ll enlighten you to the control-freakness of my personality.

I don�t like it when people bring food to parties, dinners or whatever when it still requires preparation. Nothing annoys me more than some good-hearted person bringing something and saying, �we�ll just throw it in the oven for a little while�. This statement basically means to me that I have to shift around my mental timetable of what is going to be cooked when and usually ends up in the delay of food or the outright charring of something because I�m all �off�. The worst is when they bring stuff that still requires a step that involves actual ingredients that they did not bring but assume that I have. I�m weird (read: a bitch) like that. Welcome to my world of being insane about the smallest things.

So my advice to all that will be traveling to friends and families houses for Thanksgiving:

If you want to bring something - bring alcohol because it will always be well received. If you aren�t a drinker (or if they aren�t) - well, then why are you going to their house? Kidding, bring them a �housewarming gift� like a plant, some flowers or a something. But for all that is good and pure in this world don�t bring something that still needs working on because your friends just might be as insane as I am!

�Can you pass the psychotic? Thanks!�

old rants - new shockers

-all work copyright Jennifer Mislinski-


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