Totally useless entry where I tell 101 things about myself because I have nothing else to say.
Oct. 16, 2003

1 - If you could not gather this from my previous entries or the name of this journal: I�m sarcastic.

2 - I�m married to a wonderful, sexy and intelligent guy that loves me and puts up with my crap. There really should be a fan club for Luke because as you will learn, I�m not the easiest person to live with.

3 - I used to write better stuff when I was depressed and lonely. Now I just babble aimlessly.

4 - I used to smoke and sometimes I miss it because I weighed about 100 pounds.

5 - I used to be really nice (like churchy-nice) when I was about thirteen but have since formed an attitude and haven�t looked back since.

6 - I come off as an outgoing person but I really am completely scared of being the center of attention.

7 - I have a mental list of things that I�d like to accomplish in my lifetime and I have actually crossed some of them off.

8 - I�m scared of children because they are so honest and because some kids I know are almost as tall as I am.

9 - I truly believe that depression and anxiety exist. Anyone who says that depression and anxiety are just in people�s heads should try living in a depressed person�s head for a day.

10 - I used to drive with two feet � one for the gas and one for the brake. People used to ask me if I learned to drive on a standard car and I never understood what the hell they were talking about�until I drove a standard. Which leads me to standard cars�

11 - Luke taught me to drive a stick shift and I�m surprised he didn�t leave me in the middle of the street because I screamed obscenities that everyone in the intersection heard.

12 - I made a �documentary� of a day in my life when I was about 16. It�s full of me putting on makeup, watching Leonardo DeCaprio movies, driving around and the finale is when a friend and I went through the car wash.

13 - People used to say I was full of shit because I used to always be tan and I have brown hair and brown eyes. As you can see I used to know some really creative people who are also assholes.

14 - When I was born I weighed one pound and four ounces

15 - I love everything to do with technology. I honestly do not know how people functioned without the internet. I couldn�t get a damn thing done without it.

16 - I have thought about pledging to a sorority at school just to get in front of all of them and ask them what they think life is really about because �love and roses� can�t possibly pay the bills, sistas! Ya� know?

17 - I enjoy cooking but I am always paranoid that someone will get sick or die so I always try to start off meals by saying, �if it sucks don�t eat it�.

18 - Secretly, I would love to be in a band and sing but I�m too chickenshit to even get on stage.

19 - I love to sculpt � if I�m really bored I will make things out of paper clips. Like flowers and kitty-kats.

20 - I am an insane neat freak with the house but my car is usually just a moving trash heap.

21 - My mom and step-dad are about 20 years apart in age. My mom (who says she�s 36) is 58 and my step-dad is 78. I used to hate it when I was a teenager because they never understood me at all but now I think it�s cool.

22 - When I was a freshman in high school I wanted to name my first daughter Solar. I have no idea why.

23 - This is sad � I attended my first rock concert when I was 18. I was sheltered.

24 - I don�t like bugs � I will actually do a little dance if I see one AND squeal.

25 - I know how to weld

26 - My mother once admitted that she used to read my (on paper, in a book with a lock) diary. It�s kinda funny now and I know why she felt that she needed to do it but I was really pissed when she told me.

27 - My mind wanders probably 1/3 of the day. It�s amazing I accomplish as much as I do.

28 - I never meant to but I used to always take my roommates� socks. She is still upset about that I think.

29 - I once got stoned and took my bedroom door off of the hinges and started coloring on it. When I was finished it had a huge crane and a big happy sunshine.

30 - I have an Uncle Bubba and an Aunt Loretta. My friends from the city think that this is hysterical.

31 - My mom named me Jennifer because she hadn�t heard the name in years at the time and it is relatively easy to pronounce. My mom�s name is Minywan (menu � wan) so she wanted to spare me the grief that she and my aunt, Hiawatha (hi � uh � wath � uh), went through as children. Thanks, mom � you rock!

32 - I failed fifth grade English because my grammar sucks but I�m an English major in college now � weird.

33 - I was married when I was 19 and will celebrate my 4th anniversary in December. No, I don�t have kids and don�t plan on it for a while. I�m not from a Podunk place (well, not completely � we did have TWO stoplights) and my husband is not my cousin. Sorry � just want to get that established.

34 - A lot of my family members and I never speak. I have a half brother and a few stepsiblings that I never talk to and they never talk to me. I�m fine with it � fewer things to keep track of.

35 - I used to buy cigarettes from a friend who worked at a drive though liquor store when I was 16. (I know � �Drive through liquor store! Why didn�t I think of that?�

36 - I always cry at weddings even if I don�t know who either of the people are.

37 - I�ve traveled to: California, Mexico, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, South Dakota, Kansas, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Arkansas, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Hawaii, Maryland, Delaware, New York, Connecticut, Vermont, New Jersey and Jamaica

38 - I�ve lived in: Denton, Texas; Santa Ana, CA; Huntington Beach, CA; Lake Arrowhead, CA; Clarksville, TX; Marble Falls, TX; Austin, TX; Arlington, VA; Alexandria, VA and where I live now in Springfield, VA. These locations do not include those I do not remember living in. My parents are very nomadic.

39 - My parents used to have a house in Mexico and I was the only one in the family who spoke any Spanish. I was between five and seven during that time and I always had to tell them how much things cost or directions.

40 - When I was five we had a circus at school and I started crying because I was scared of the clowns. This weekend at Busch Gardens, eighteen years later, I circled what must have been fifteen feet around a clown because they still freak me out.

41 - I used to show cows. This is embarrassing.

42 - I haven�t yet decided what my political stance is but I think if I�d have to decide I�d be a liberal Republican or a conservative Democrat � maybe I should just start up my own party. Ha! The Pink Ladies!

43 - Stupid people with no imagination drive me absolutely insane.

44 - I got in a fight in the fifth grade. With a guy. Who outweighed me by at least 30 pounds. I got my ass kicked.

45 - I used to arm wrestle the boys in the sixth grade and win.

46 - My friends and I once wrapped our English teacher�s house. I was organizing the whole thing so by the time we where done an hour later there was a definite theme and balance to our work.

47 - I once broke a bunch of stuff in my parent�s bar in the rec room of our old house in CA and blamed it on an earthquake. Mom bought it.

48 - I once went cow tipping and got scared of falling in cow shit so I went home.

49 - Math is my worst subject always and my best subjects are artsy ones where I don�t have to think a whole lot.

Wanna' see 50-101?

old rants - new shockers

-all work copyright Jennifer Mislinski-


Slacking on your RANT reading? Well, here's what's been going on lately:

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another new entry @ - Apr. 15, 2004

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I'm busy but you'll forget my crappy entry when you see my dog! - Mar. 29, 2004